Query Builder
To build Scan or Query expressions, you can use the Query Builder.
Write expression in the Query Builder and press ⏎ to execute it. If query synchronization is enabled, the expression will be applied to the query in the editor.
To write query, use the following syntax:
condition-expression ::= attribute comparator value
| attribute BETWEEN value AND value
| attribute IN (value, value...)
| function
| condition AND condition
| condition OR condition
| NOT condition
| ( condition )
comparator ::= = | <> | < | <= | > | >=
function ::= attribute_exists (attribute)
| attribute_not_exists (attribute)
| attribute_type (attribute, type)
| begins_with (attribute, substr)
| contains (attribute, value)
| size (attribute)
value ::= 123 | 'string' | false | true
attribute ::= map.list[0] | "map"."list"[0]
type ::= N | S | BOOL | NULL | B | L | M | NS | BS | SS
substr ::= 'string'
To force using Scan operation, use the following syntax:
scan-expression ::= scan condition-expression
To force using Query operation, use the following syntax:
query-expression ::= query table-or-index [asc|desc] condition-expression
If no operation is specified, the most efficient possible operation and index will be determined automatically.