
Console enables you to run Operations and PartiQL queries against DynamoDB. Console has two main areas:

  • Editor, where you can write PartiQL queries or Operations.
  • Response pane, where you can view the results of your queries. See Response View.


Open Console

The console can be Temporary or Persistent.

To open a Temporary console, double-click a table in the tool window.

The Persistent console can be console associated with Scratch or Project file or console stored in the plugin state and shown in Consoles in the tool window.

  1. Select the connection and click the Jump to Query Console button or press ⇧ ⌘ F10. In the popup select what console to open.

    Jump to Query Console

    The list of all saved consoles can be viewed in the tool window. You can open a console from the list.

  2. From the main menu, select File | New | Scratch File or press ⇧ ⌘ N. Select DynamoDB file type.

    Open DynamoDB scratch file

    Scratch files are automatically numbered and saved to the Project -> Scratches and Consoles.

    List of DynamoDB scratch files

    Scratch file console has no associated connection. It must be selected on the console toolbar.

  3. Create a new file with the .dynamodb extension. The file will be automatically associated with the DynamoDB console.

    DynamoDB file

    The file console has no associated connection. It must be selected on the console toolbar.

    You can keep the file in the project to share it with your team.


You can see connection associated to this console and its status on the toolbar.

DynamoDB console connection

For scratch and .dynamodb files you must select the connection from the popup list.

Select console connection

Press Refresh button to reconnect to DynamoDB.

Execute requests

Console editor can have many operations and queries. To select the request that you want to execute put the cursor at the request path or body. The color frame shows the selected request. If there is only one request you don’t need to select it. To execute request click or press ⌘ ⏎.

Execute multiple requests

Controls on the toolbar

⌃ ⏎Execute the selected query.
⌘ PSwitch between showing Only Editor / Only Response View.
⌥ ⌘ PSwitch between vertical / horizontal orientation of editor and response view.
F3Open Add to Favorites dialog. See Favorite requests.
⌥ ⌘ EOpen Requests History dialog. See Requests history.
Connection associated with this console.
Reload connection.