Professional GUI Client
for DynamoDB

Enhance your productivity with DynamoDB Plugin for JetBrains IDEs.
Effortlessly explore and manage your DynamoDB data within your favorite IDE.

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DynamoDB Plugin - Professional GUI Client for DynamoDB
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10x Your DynamoDB Productivity

Smart autocomplete for API and PartiQL

The autocomplete helps you to write queries faster and with fewer mistakes.
It suggests only valid fields and values for the current context.
Also, you can view the documentation for the selected operation.

Query DSL autocomplete in DynamoDB Plugin

Search data easily

Use the search field to quickly build queries. The plugin automatically generates the optimal query using Query instead of Scan where possible.
The autocomplete feature helps you find the right field name.

Kibana Query Language with autocomplete in DynamoDB Plugin

Create, Update, Delete items

Create, update, and delete items right in the table or in JSON or DynamoDB JSON views.

Create, Update, Delete documents with DynamoDB Plugin
Switch between profiles and regions

Create multiple connections with different profiles and regions and switch between them in a few clicks.

Import & Export

Import and export data using CSV, JSON, DynamoDB JSON and Dump files.
Copy tables in a few clicks.

Favorites and history

Save your favorite queries and quickly find them in the explorer.
Or use history to quickly repeat the previous queries.

And many other features...

What developers are saying

“Really easy to use with almost no set up required”

Rushy Maganty

“We have some complicated production dynamo databases in many different regions. Some with hundreds of millions of records. This plugin was very easy to connect and performed basic CRUD operations and partiQL queries without problem and without added lag beyond Dynamo. I will test this as part of my daily workflow as a developer and if I still feel positive about the experience I will certainly buy a license for my personal use. So far its surprisingly good!”

Justin Weiler

“Good tool. I use it a lot for my projects. I'd like the ability to
save my most used queries and use them later.”

Jeremy Gray

“The author is quite responsive to feedback on GitHub. There are other DynamoDB managers out there including ones that aren't integrated into IntelliJ some of which look very polished. However of the ones I've tried they give a UI very similar to the AWS console and are equally inconvenient. Having to jump between fields to build queries, and not working very well with single table designs and you work with one query at a time. This is much more straight forward, just write queries see results and click edit wherever your cursor is to edit a document. By far the smoothest workflow.”

Kit Sunde

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$0, free forever
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$3 per month
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  • For individual use
  • 30 days Free Trial
    $ 2.4 / 2nd year
    $ 1.8 / 3rd year onwards


$7 per month
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  • For businesses & teams
  • 30 days Free Trial
    $ 5.6 / 2nd year
    $ 4.2 / 3rd year onwards
Students, Teachers
$0, free forever
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  • For students, teachers and training courses
  • Use this instruction to apply JetBrains program


$30 per year
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  • For individual use
  • 30 days Free Trial
    $ 24 / 2nd year
    $ 18 / 3rd year onwards


$70 per year
Start Free Trial
  • For businesses & teams
  • 30 days Free Trial
    $ 56 / 2nd year
    $ 42 / 3rd year onwards